One-third of Asians Experience Racial Prejudice at Work
More than one in three (36%) of Asian and Asian American professionals say they have experienced racial prejudice at their current or...
A Fifth of Workers Worldwide Experience Violence at Work
Workplace violence and harassment across the world is rife, confirmed a new report carried out by the Lloyd’s Register Foundation.
More Companies Taking Action On Pay Equity, Reveals Study
An increasing number of organisations are acting on pay equity, new research has revealed. WorldatWork's "Pay Equity Study" found...
Blue Monday: 2/3 of UK Workers Suffer From January Blues
Over two-thirds (68%) of shift workers admit to suffering the January Blues and are finding their job less...
What Benefits & Support Different Generations Value Most at Work
A new survey has revealed what the multi-generational workforce wants and expects from their employers. The survey carried...
One in Three US Employees Plan to Look for a New Job Next Year...
New research has revealed that one in three American workers plan to look for a new job in 2023, while another third...
Over Half of US Workers Experiencing Burnout, Survey Shows
More than half of American workers are experiencing burnout, according to a new study. The study, released by health...
World Kindness Day: Fairness & Kindness ‘Fundamental’ Employer Attributes, Reveals Study
Yesterday the world celebrated World Kindness Day. In fact, values such as fairness, kindness, ethics, justice and diversity are fundamental attributes for employers...
Women in Tech Still Face Tougher Scrutiny Than Men at Work
Around 94% of women in tech believe they are held to a ‘higher standard’ than their male colleagues, confirmed a new study.
Thousands of Black Women ‘Missing’ from Tech Industry
Over 20,000 black women are ‘missing’ from the tech profession in the UK, according to a new report.