Gender diversity

41% FTSE 350 yet to meet 33% target of women on boards

Today, the UK Government has called for all FTSE 350 companies to meet the 33% target of women on boards by the...
Women in tech

Harassment & discrimination still rife for women in tech

Women Who Tech’s latest report has revealed that nearly 50% of female founders and women working in tech and Silicon Valley have...
Lack of diversity in leadership ranks

Colour of Power: UK’s leadership ranks remain mostly White

UK’s leadership ranks remain mostly White and continue to lack diversity, according to diversity and executive recruitment consultancy Green Park. Its latest...
Image searches for diversity and equality

Image searches for ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’ rocket by 500%

Customer searches for images of 'equality and unity' shot up by 500% and searches for images illustrating 'diversity' rocketed by 200% (from May to June alone), according to new research by Getty...
Searches for diversity and Inclusion roles soar

Global online searches for D&I roles rocket by 200%

Latest data reveals that there has been a global spike in searches for diversity and inclusion (D&I) roles. The search for D&I managers...
UK job losses during Covid-19

Employers explore options to minimise layoffs amid COVID-19

Latest research from CIPD and the Adecco Group has confirmed that UK employers are exploring a variety of options to stave off...
multigeneration workforce key to success

Age diversity ‘key’ to success, confirm global leaders

Nonprofit AARP’s latest survey on the rapidly-aging workforce has revealed that 83% global leaders believe that multigenerational workforces are “key” to the growth and...

Employers report ‘significant’ declines in hiring plans globally

Employers worldwide have reported significant declines in recruitment plans for Quarter 3, as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. ManpowerGroup's latest study...
Mental health awareness week

CIPD warns of deteriorating staff mental wellbeing amid pandemic

The CIPD’s latest research on employee wellbeing has revealed that staff mental wellbeing has worsened during the pandemic. According to the UK’s...
Working from home and flexible working

Home working hugely impacts staff morale & wellbeing

A new survey from remote team building company Wildgoose has revealed that staff morale and mental health is being significantly impacted as a result of the...

Telling Statistics

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