edX, EdAid & NWEAT Join Forces to Offer Digital Apprenticeships to Bridge UK’s Tech Skills...
Global online learning platform edX has joined forces with EdAid, the UK-based Flexi-Job Apprenticeship Agency, and Northwest Education and Training, to offer digital apprenticeships in high-demand tech fields.
Most Women in Tech Continue to Experience Discrimination
Despite diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging promises, the majority of women in tech continue to experience discrimination at work and in educational spaces.
Staff Ready to Accept AI If Employers Are Committed to Doing the Right Thing,...
Staff ready to accept AI if employers are committed to doing the right thing.
NASA Awards $5M to Colleges Tackling STEM Gender Gap
NASA has announced that it will award more than $5 million in funding to seven Women's Colleges and Universities (WCUs) to research and develop strategies that increase retention of women in STEM degree programmes and career
Climate Concerns Play Important Role in Gen Z & Millennials’ Career Decisions
Environmental and climate concerns play an important role in Gen Zs' and millennials' career decisions, revealed a new study.
Celebrating Shining Examples of Courage, Resilience & Innovation
WeAreTheCity has announced the Winners of the Rising Star Awards 2023.
Proficiency in AI ‘Magic’ Will Become Key Workplace Skill, Claims Digital Science CEO
Being proficient in AI 'magic’ will become a key skill required by the workplace in the very near future, says Digital Science CEO Dr Daniel Hook.
WeAreTheCity Announces 2023 Rising Star Awards Finalists
For the ninth consecutive year, WeAreTheCity has announced the 230 incredible individuals who are finalists in this year's annual Rising Star Awards.
Rising Racial & Gender Discrimination A Major Issue for Tech Professionals, Study Finds
Despite extensive efforts to prioritise diversity, equality, inclusion and belonging in the workplace, a quarter of tech professionals said they experienced racial discrimination.
Just 1 in 10 UK Workers Have In-Demand AI Skills, Survey Shows
Just one in 10 UK workers feel they have AI skills, further evidencing the digital skills crisis currently facing the UK, revealed a survey carried out by Salesforce.