Girls Who Code CEO & COO

Tarika Barrett to take over as Girls Who Code CEO reports Reshma Saujani

Girls Who Code Founder & CEO Reshma Saujani has passed the baton to COO Tarika Barrett to lead the non-profit into the...
gender and racial diversity in tech

Dice reports high levels of inequality & discrimination in tech

The tech industry still has a long way to go to fix inequality and discrimination to attract more diversity, according to a...
workplace sexual harassment

Women in tech with male bosses report higher burnout rates

The latest study from Girls in Tech has revealed an alarmingly high rate of burnout among women in the tech sector with...
Women Leaders in AI

IBM spotlights 40 global women leaders shaping AI future

As part of its annual Women Leaders in AI programme, IBM has spotlighted 40 professionals from 18 countries who are shaping the...
Working from home and flexible working

How to reap the benefits of inclusion through flexible working for all

The pandemic has exposed many inequalities. Introducing flexible working – not just remote working – is now a real opportunity to...
Training women in Africa with deep tech skills

Tech4Dev & Microsoft empower millions of women across Africa

Microsoft has partnered with non-profit social enterprise Tech4Dev to empower millions of girls and women across Africa with tech and coding skills. 
Sandy Hoffman, VP of Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging, Procore Technologies

Procore appoints Sandy Hoffman as VP of Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging

Construction management software firm Procore Technologies has announced the appointment of Sandy Hoffman as VP of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging.
women in tech

WTC unveils firms helping women to shatter tech glass ceiling

The Women Tech Council (WTC) has released the 2021 Shatter List during Women’s History Month. The organisation focused...
Older workers ups killing

PwC: Upskilling increasing inequality worldwide due to bias

Although the pandemic has accelerated digital upskilling, half of the global workforce is missing out on training and career opportunities due to...
DIversiTech Summit

Tribaja organises 3 day tech summit & job fair

Tribaja has organised a DiversiTech Summit on 25-27 March 2021 for jobseekers and underrepresented talent in the US.  The virtual event...

Telling Statistics

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