advancing women wu work

Four in 10 Women Believe They’re Underpaid, Survey Shows 

New research has revealed that around four in 10 women in the UK believe they are underpaid, and they are also less likely to ask for a pay rise.
Asian Achievers Awards

South Asian Heritage Month 2023: Celebrating Asian Excellence

The 21st Asian Achievers Awards, celebrating British Asian achievement across multiple fields, have announced 2023’s finalists during South Asian Heritage Month in the UK.
LGBTQ+ inclusion at work

365 Pride: Celebrating Pride at Work All Year Round

In this week’s guest column, Leadership and Life Coach and Founder of RELYTE Tashan Nicholas shares why Pride should be celebrated all year round...
Humankind 100 ranking

Revealed: Top 100 Companies Supporting Human Wellbeing 

Humankind has unveiled this year’s 100 companies that contribute positively to humanity and sustainability.
LGBTQ+ inclusion at work

HRC: Most LGBTQ+ Employees Are Out to At Least One Colleague

Almost nine in 10 (84%) of LGBTQ+ workers are out to at least one person in their current job, according to the latest...
European Diversity Awards 2024

The European Diversity Awards Still Open For Nominations

The European Diversity Awards are still open for nominations. 
neurodiversity at work

Neurodiverse Community Urges Businesses to Embrace Inclusive Language 

A new survey has highlighted that neurodiverse professionals prefer employers and colleagues to use inclusive first-person language. 
motherhood pay gap penalty

Women of Colour Hardest Hit by Motherhood Pay Penalty

Women of colour are ‘significantly’ disadvantaged by the motherhood pay penalty, according to a new report.
friendship at work

International Friendship Day: Encouraging Connections at Work

How to build healthy relationships between employees at work to mark International Day of Friendship.
Celebrating Influential Muslim professionals

EqualityX Launches Top 50 Influential Inclusive Muslim Employers List

qualityX’s CEO Dr Zaheer Ahmad, reveals the launch of the first-ever Top 50 Inclusive Muslim Employers List, and the reasons behind it.

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