workplace return concerns amid pandemic

Firms struggle to bring staff back to the office reveals study

Some of the biggest obstacles that companies are facing right now are bringing staff back to the office, developing a Covid-19 vaccine...
women paid less than men in almost every occupation.

Women want Biden to prioritise inequality, healthcare & jobs

A new national survey carried out by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) has revealed exactly which ‘top’ priorities and policies American women...
Vaccination for workplace safety.

Staff reluctant to return to work until vaccines become more available

As the US ramps up coronavirus vaccinations, new research carried out by Eagle Hill Consulting and Ipsos has revealed that many employees are reluctant to...
More than half UK firms are planning to hire in Q1 of 2021.

Over half of UK employers plan to recruit in Q1 of 2021

Over half (56%) of UK employers expect to recruit in the first quarter of 2021 with fewer firms now planning redundancies, confirmed...
workplace safety now the top CEO priority

Workplace safety replaces talent acquisition as ‘top’ CEO priority

Ensuring a safe work environment has replaced talent acquisition as the 'top priority' for business leaders in 2021, according to a new study.
financial wellbeing

Leaders burning out at record rates posing huge retention risk

Leaders are burning out at record rates, creating serious retention problems at senior levels, a new study has revealed.  
managers are the key to inclusion

Managers: The missing piece in the inclusion puzzle

Have you or your organisation missed a vital factor in your ongoing drive to create an inclusive workplace?
workplace stress

90% employers concerned about ‘workplace impairment’

The latest US National Safety Council (NSC) survey shows that 90% of employers are concerned about workplace impairment – resulting from mental health and chronic stress...
time to stamp out workplace racism

SAI Global & NABCRMP join forces to dismantle workplace racism

Ethics and compliance learning solutions provider SAI Global & National Association of Black Compliance and Risk Management Professionals (NABCRMP) have announced the launch of a new...
AFFL levelling the playing field for women's football

AFFL’s first women’s football division kicks off with pay equity to level playing field

The American Flag Football League (AFFL) in the US has announced its new women's division, with pay equity from the kick off.

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