Breaking down barriers for disabled & vulnerable consumers & staff

Disability Inclusion Champion Sat Jabanda-Wilson Advices on How to Break Down Barriers for Disabled...

Virgin Media O2's Sat Jabanda-Wilson shares how she has championed disability inclusion across the company to remove barriers for disabled and vulnerable consumers and staff.
SHFT Founder Chloë Downes

Chloë Downes: Creating Inclusion By Removing Barriers to Entry

Entrepreneur Chloë Downes, who founded and runs SHFT, shares how she is making the influencer talent management industry more inclusive.
Black and minority ethnic workers

TUC: Black and Ethnic Minority Workers in Insecure Jobs Doubles

The number of Black and ethnic minority workers in insecure work has more than doubled over the last decade (2011 to 2022)...
Asian Achievers Awards

South Asian Heritage Month 2023: Celebrating Asian Excellence

The 21st Asian Achievers Awards, celebrating British Asian achievement across multiple fields, have announced 2023’s finalists during South Asian Heritage Month in the UK.
AI-generated artwork of sci-fi wizard invoking all of his mysterious energy to create the most powerful spell imaginable, drawn in comic-book art style.

Proficiency in AI ‘Magic’ Will Become Key Workplace Skill, Claims Digital Science CEO 

Being proficient in AI 'magic’ will become a key skill required by the workplace in the very near future, says Digital Science CEO Dr Daniel Hook.
advancing women wu work

High Discrimination Rates Prevent LGBTQ+ Women & Non-binary Professionals From Coming Out at Work,...

High rates of discrimination are preventing LGBTQ+ women and non-binary professionals from coming out at work and in society at large, according to the latest research from myGwork, to mark Lesbian Visibility Week.
Robbie Crow, Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Disability Lead, BBC

BBC Appoints Robbie Crow as Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Disability Lead

The BBC has appointed Robbie Crow as the Corporation’s Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Disability Lead. Crow started in the...
Burberry British Diversity Awards

Revealed: 2023’s Burberry British Diversity Awards Winners

The winners of 2023's Burberry British Diversity Awards were revealed this week at Grosvenor House in London. The...
Growing buying power of diverse communities

Diverse Customers ‘Critical’ to a Brand’s Bottom Line

New research has revealed just how critical diverse customer groups are to a brand's bottom line. The findings...
Black entrepreneurs must fight harder for funding

Black & Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurs Must Fight Harder To Generate Investment & Funding, Survey...

Black and ethnic minority entrepreneurs face more obstacles setting up and running their businesses than their White counterparts, despite having a more...

Telling Statistics

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