workplace stress and burnout

Employee Burnout Concerns Skyrocket as Job Pressures Mount

Employee mental health continues to deteriorate as the pandemic drags on, according to a new study. However, the main driving factor behind...
working parents

Over Half Working Parents Want to Quit Because of Uncaring Employers

More than half of working parents in the US are considering leaving their jobs because they feel their employer does not care...
Worklife balance in the UK & US

UK & US Staff Want More Work-Life Balance, Reveals Study

Two-thirds of US and UK workers allowed to work flexibly during the pandemic want employers to prioritise work-life balance moving forwards, according...
discussing mental health

Majority of Employers Now Prioritise Staff Mental Health

The majority of staff (71%) believe their employers are genuinely concerned with their mental health, confirmed a new US employee wellness survey.
workplace mental health support

World Mental Health Day: Supporting Staff Wellbeing

To mark World Mental Health Day 2021 on 10 October, Business Disability Forum (BDF) has launched resources to help employers support employee wellbeing...
Most businesses avoiding greenwashing by keeping quiet on ESG, putting them at risk of ‘Greenhushing’

Women Now Occupy ¼ of Russell 3000 Board Seats

Over a quarter (25.6%) of the Russell 3000 company board seats are now held by women, confirmed 50/50 Women on Boards (WOB); a...
Employee wellbeing

Cannabis at Work: Firms Must Do More to Educate & Protect Staff

Employers must do more to protect and educate their workers about cannabis use urged the National Safety Council (NSC), following the results of a...
increasing women in leadership

Firms with Women CEOs Open Doors to More Women on Boards

Companies with women CEOs make a huge difference for other female executives as it means those firms tend to have significantly more...
bias and discrimination at work

50% Latinx Employees Experience Discrimination or Bias at Work

One in every two Latinx employees (50%) have felt or witnessed discrimination or bias in their workplace, according to a new survey.
ageism at work

New Platform to Help Older Workers Gain In-Demand Skills

AARP, the non-profit dedicated to empowering people aged over 50, has launched the Skills Builder for Work platform to help older workers gain...

Telling Statistics

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