How to Support Muslim Employees Observing Ramadan
How can you support Muslim employees or coworkers who are fasting and observing Ramadan? Dr Safiyyah Ally, Executive producer of Let The...
Global Conference to Tackle Disability Inclusion in a Changing World
Business Disability Forum (BDF) is set to host its global conference on 21 November 2024. It will bring together leaders and experts...
Reality Behind ‘Purple Washing’: True Disability Inclusion or Marketing Hype?
As more organisations tout their commitments to diversity, some face accusations of “purple washing” as they are publicly claiming to support disability...
How to Create a Results-Driven DEIB Programme in Four Steps
In this week’s guest column, Cornerstone’s Chief People Officer Carina Cortez, shares a four-step plan on how to implement a results-driven diversity,...
BDF Launches Resources to Help Employers Understand Needs of Disabled Employees Around Tech
The Business Disability Forum (BDF) has announced the launch of free online resources to help employers understand the needs of disabled employees around technology.
Three-Quarters of Knowledge Workers Now Use AI at Work, Reveals Study
New research shows that most employees are experimenting with AI and growing their skills.
BDF: Changing the Image of Disability Representation in Media
The Business Disability Forum is hosting a webinar on 18 April 2024 aimed at revolutionising the way today's media depicts disability.
How to Adapt Communication to Support Neurodiversity at Work
To mark Neurodiversity Celebration Week, Consultant and trainer Joe Butler shares the importance of effective communication for neurodiverse staff. Butler also provides...
BDF Opens Nominations For Disability Smart Awards 2024 & Launches A to Z of Disability
Business Disability Forum (BDF) has opened nominations for its Disability Smart Awards 2024, and launched its latest A to Z of Disability – a resource for businesses, to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities this year.
Barriers to Upskill Persist For Women & People of Colour
Fewer women and people of colour are getting access to the skills they need to advance their careers, revealed a new study.