bias and discrimination at work

50% Latinx Employees Experience Discrimination or Bias at Work

One in every two Latinx employees (50%) have felt or witnessed discrimination or bias in their workplace, according to a new survey.
employee wellbeing and burnout

Employee Burnout Intensifies, Especially For Younger Staff

Employee wellbeing, particularly amongst younger workers, continues to be under threat 18 months into the pandemic, confirmed a new study.
employee burnout and workplace wellbeing

Employee Burnout Main Driver of Great Resignation, Study Reveals

The main drivers of the Great Resignation are burnout, and lack of being valued and cared for by employers, confirmed a new...
more women in radio and TV are leaving the industry

UK Broadcasting Industry Struggles to Retain Diverse Staff

More people are leaving the TV and radio industries than joining,  with broadcasters facing a worrying loss of diverse talent, according to Ofcom, the UK’s media regulator.
boardroom diversity

LCDA: Latinos Still Absent From 2/3 Fortune 1000 Boards

Latino directors are still missing from 69% of Fortune 1000 boards, according the latest data from the Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA),...
diversity and inclusion

Most Leaders Yet to Fulfil Pledges & Embed Purpose into Business

Despite company leaders making pledges to become more diverse, fair and climate-conscious, 55% have yet to fully embed purpose into their business,...
lack of racial diversity on boards

Visible C-suite Support & Better Data ‘Key’ to DE&I Progress

Commitment from the executive ranks and better data are crucial for diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) progress, new research has revealed.  
employment contract changes

Time to stamp out ‘fire & rehire’ practices, advises CIPD

One in five UK employers changed staff contracts since the onset of the pandemic, with around 42,960 resorting to ‘fire and rehire’...
recommendations for fair and inclusive economic recovery

WEF outlines plan for fair & inclusive economic recovery

As the world recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic, it's vital to create a fair and inclusive economic recovery for all, according to...
Pay gap reporting

New White Paper offers guidance on how to close pay gaps

Recent pressure on the Government to reinstate gender pay gap reporting and introduce ethnicity pay gap reporting means that companies must get...

Telling Statistics

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