Climate Change & Health Issues Prioritised Over Gender Equality
A new global study has revealed that gender equality has lost ground to other more pressing societal issues. Gender...
IWD: Nordic Countries Best Place To Be A Working Woman
Sweden is the best country to be a working woman for the second year in a row, followed by its neighbours Iceland, Finland...
84% Staff Report Lack of Progress on Building More Equitable Workplaces for People of...
People of colour experienced an increase in racial discrimination, job loss and financial hardship at three times the rate of their White...
1/3 Firms Forced to Turn Down Work Due to Staff Shortages
More than one-third (38%) of UK businesses have been forced to turn down work due to staff shortages amid the pandemic, according...
Firms Maintain Arts Funding to Address Racial Inequality
Many companies are increasingly partnering with arts organisations to address social challenges, including racism and other forms of inequality, according to a...
Most C-Suite Leaders Admit They Won’t Meet 2022 Goals if Record Quit Rates Persist
The majority of C-suite leaders (92%) in the UK and US admit that their organisation will not meet their goals without the...
Negative & Unrealistic Portrayals of LGBTQ+ Community Responsible for High Discrimination Rates
Around 73% of LGBTQ+ individuals believe they have witnessed discrimination because of 'unrealistic and negative' media portrayals of...
2/3 UK Employees Love What They Do, Reveals Poll
Around two-thirds of staff in the UK actually enjoy their job, according to a new study released on Valentines Day.
CIPD: UK Employers Set to Award Record Pay Rises in 2022
Employers are set to award record pay rises this year given the tough recruitment conditions, confirmed the UK’s professional body for HR...
Force Big Firms to Report Ethnicity Pay Gaps, Urge MPs
UK MPs have urged the government to force big businesses to report their ethnicity pay gaps in a bid to tackle glaring...