Employee Burnout Remains High in US Workforce, Study Shows
Employee burnout among the US workforce remains high, new research has revealed.
Google, Costco & Lowes Secure Top Slots in New ESG Ranking
Companies such as Google, Costco and Lowes have secured top spots for having the strongest reputation for ESG activities, in a new ranking.
Half of UK Staff Regularly Work Unpaid Hours, Study Shows
UK employees are working unpaid hours to keep up with their workload.
Workplaces Are Still Not Inclusive Enough, Say Most Employees With Disabilities
The majority of employees with disabilities say that workplaces are failing to provide the adjustments they need to help them perform their duties at work, according to a new global survey.
TUC: Black and Ethnic Minority Workers in Insecure Jobs Doubles
The number of Black and ethnic minority workers in insecure work has more than doubled over the last decade (2011 to 2022)...
Office Workers Experience Highest Burnout Rates, Study Shows
Office workers are experiencing the highest levels of burnout and lowest levels of happiness and job satisfaction, according to a new survey.
Staff Retention Outranks Sales & Revenue Growth as Top Priority
Staff retention has become the number one priority for both operations and HR this year, according to a new report.
Four in 10 Women Believe They’re Underpaid, Survey Shows
New research has revealed that around four in 10 women in the UK believe they are underpaid, and they are also less likely to ask for a pay rise.
HRC: Most LGBTQ+ Employees Are Out to At Least One Colleague
Almost nine in 10 (84%) of LGBTQ+ workers are out to at least one person in their current job, according to the latest...
Neurodiverse Community Urges Businesses to Embrace Inclusive Language
A new survey has highlighted that neurodiverse professionals prefer employers and colleagues to use inclusive first-person language.