ageism at work

Employers Missing Out on Older & Experienced Talent, Reveals Study

Employers need to radically rethink how they approach midcareer and older talent, a new study has highlighted.
People from ethnic minority backgrounds are “consistently underrepresented” across the UK's council workforces.

Ethnic Minority Employees Consistently Underrepresented Across UK’s Council Workforces, Report Reveals

People from ethnic minority backgrounds are “consistently underrepresented” across the UK's council workforces, compared to the working-age ethnic minority population, according to a new report.
Gender Pay Gap

Meaningful Work ‘Key’ to Women Thriving at Work, Study Shows

It's actually not vacations or perks, but making meaningful contributions that are key to helping women to thrive at work, according to a new study.
Black women in tech

UN Women & GTA Black Women in Tech Join Forces to Promote Diversity in...

UN Women has joined forces with Global Tech Advocates Black Women in Tech to encourage more Black women and diversity into the tech industry.
Racism at work

2/3 Employees From Marginalised Groups Experience Racism at Work

Around two-thirds (66%) of employees from marginalised racial and ethnic groups worldwide have experienced racism at work during their career, according to a new global report.
A new report to mark Women's History Month and International Women's Day has revealed that only 28% of women feel their company’s culture actively supports them.

Older Women at Work Battling Ageism & Menopause Stigma

Eight out of 10 women in both the US and UK say that managing menopause symptoms at work is proving to be challenging as they battle both ageism and menopause stigma, according to a new report.
employee recognition

Mental Health Matters Say Half of World’s Workers

While work-life balance and remote work continue to be important to employees, half of the world's knowledge workers (50%) are now prioritising their mental health above all else, a new report has revealed.
Lack of mental health support for Black workers

Black Workers Face More Barriers to Access Mental Health Support

Black American workers face greater barriers to mental health support in the workplace compared with White, Hispanic/Latino, and Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) US workers, according to new research
World Mental Health Day

12 October 2023: Celebrating World Mental Health Day

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) have launched new mental health guidance...
Black History Month

Black History Month 2023: Saluting Our Sisters

The theme of this year's Black History Month is  ‘Saluting our Sisters’, which highlights the crucial role that Black women have played in shaping history, inspiring change, and building communities.

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