Diversity & Inclusion Conference

Virtual D&I Conference: Driving Action & Results

The fourth annual Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Conference features 27 D&I and HR Directors who will share their D&I strategies for driving...

BDF launches new toolkit to help firms improve disability inclusion

Business Disability Forum (BDF) has today announced the launch of new resources to help businesses improve workplace disability inclusion.
Disability:IN Conference

12-15 July 2021 – Disability:IN Conference

This year’s Disability:IN Conference is scheduled to take place on 12-15 July. The event will allow DE&I/HR professionals to...
Global Accessibility Awareness Day

20 May 2021: Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)

Today, Thursday 20 May 2021, marks the tenth anniversary of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD).  GAAD was originally inspired by...
neurodiversity at work

Neurodiversity at Work Online Seminar

The annual d&i Leaders’ Neurodiversity at Work Online Seminar is scheduled to take place on 7 July 2021. Approximately...
Virtual National Veterans Summit

Virtual National Veterans Summit

The Virtual National Veterans Summit, organised by the Texas Diversity Council, is scheduled to take place on 25 May 2021.
National Day for Staff Networks

12 May 2021: National Day for Staff Networks

Today, on Wednesday 12 May, organisations across the UK celebrate the National Day for Staff Networks. ​Also known as...
Latina & Black Women Summit

The state of Latina & Black Women in the USA

The next Latina & Black Women Symposium, organised by Accelerate Investors, will take place on 13 May 2021. The...
Mental Health at Work

Mental Health at Work 2021

The annual d&i Leaders Mental Health at Work Online Seminar is scheduled to take place on 7 July 2021.
Mental health awareness month and week

May 2021: Mental Health Awareness Month & Week

May marks Mental Health Awareness Month in the US; and Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK between 10-16 May 2021. 

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