programme to increase workforce diversity

Deloitte & Salesforce Join Forces to Increase Workforce Diversity

Salesforce and Deloitte Digital have joined forces to launch a new programme to help increase diverse workforces and create more career paths...
top 50 Companies for Latinas

REVEALED: The 50 Best Companies for Latinas in the US

US Publisher LATINA Style has revealed the 50 Best Companies for Latinas to Work for in the US. The LATINA Style 50 Report...
HeForShe Summit

UN HeForShe Gender Equality Summit: 21 September 2022

The UN's Women's HeForShe Summit, scheduled to take place this week, is calling on all men to act now to achieve gender...
discrimination towards neurodivergent employees and those with invisible disabilities still remains rife in the UK.

Six out of 10 Neurodivergent Staff Experience Stigma at Work

A new study has revealed that 61% of neurodivergent employees have experienced stigma or felt misunderstood at some point during their career. 
Hispanic Heritage Month

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month: 15 September – 15 October

Over the next four weeks, Americans will be celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month at home and at work.  The US celebrates...
Youth apprenticeships are predominantly White

Apprenticeships ‘Overwhelmingly Male & Predominantly White’

Despite youth apprenticeships doubling over the last decade, they are failing to attract women and people of colour, revealed a new report....
Hispanic youth training for new collar roles

Free Tech Training Offered to Underrepresented Racial Groups

 US-based non-profit Reskill Americans has announced free tech training for underrepresented racial minority groups. The non-profit is offering access...
Workplace racism and discrimination

Racism at Work Worse For Younger Staff Reveals Report

Hundreds of thousands of Black and ethnic minority workers – especially younger employees – face racist behaviour and discrimination at work, ranging...
menopause at work

Menopause Support for Women Still Lacking in Workplace

New research has revealed that workplaces still have some way to go in their commitment to include women – particularly as they...
Heroes Women Role Model lists

UNVEILED: 2022’s Heroes Women Role Models

Diversity consultancy INvolve has revealed this year’s Heroes Women Role Model lists, showcasing leaders who are championing women in business and driving...

Telling Statistics

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