MFHA explores how COVID-19 impacts minorities in hospitality

The Multicultural Foodservice & Hospitality Alliance (MFHA), in collaboration with the National Restaurant Association, has announced that it is streaming a roundtable on how...

CIPD urges Government to make furlough schemes more flexible

The CIPD has today urged the Government to make furlough schemes more flexible and extend them until September, to avoid a "cliff-edge exit...

Ruebik launches support service for diverse leaders amid Covid-19

Disruptor executive search firm and social enterprise, Ruebik has launched a pro bono version of their signature executive coaching service, Velocity, amid...

Leaders put people over profits as US lifts lockdown restrictions

PwC’s latest survey has revealed that corporate leaders plan to focus on workplace safety and staff health, despite profit losses, as US...

Free tool to help leaders create safe workplaces post COVID-19

The Conference Board has launched a free tool to help leaders create safe workplaces for staff post COVID-19. With lockdown restrictions being...

WISE: Keeping gender on the STEM agenda

With the UK entering the second phase of an extended lockdown, Helen Wollaston, Chief Executive of WISE, the campaign for gender balance...

RIDI announces 2020 disability awards finalists

The Recruitment Industry Disability Initiative (RIDI) 2020 Awards finalists have been announced today. The awards received well over 100 "record-breaking" entries this...

Staff wellbeing a priority, despite declining employer DE&I focus

A new global survey by the Institute for Public Relations (IPR) and Peppercomm has revealed that staff and health being is firmly on the agenda amid the...

COVID-19 lessons from Asia: Prioritising staff wellbeing

Community Business’ Emily Moss explores the lessons that workplaces in Europe, US and other regions can learn from Asia's COVID-19 experience and...

COVID-19 pushes staff wellbeing to top of corporate agendas

As the COVID-19 crisis has intensified over the past weeks, more workers have raised the issue of wellbeing with their employers through...

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