Racism at work

2/3 Employees From Marginalised Groups Experience Racism at Work

Around two-thirds (66%) of employees from marginalised racial and ethnic groups worldwide have experienced racism at work during their career, according to a new global report.
Closing the women's health gap could generate an annual $400 billion boost to global GDP by 2040, reveals WEF report.

Older Women at Work Battling Ageism & Menopause Stigma

Eight out of 10 women in both the US and UK say that managing menopause symptoms at work is proving to be challenging as they battle both ageism and menopause stigma, according to a new report.
Dealing with menopause in the workplace

World Menopause Day 2023: Raising Awareness, Support & Breaking Stigma

How employers and organisations can offer support to women experiencing menopause symptoms.
WorkFair 2023

WorkFair 2023 Returns on 18 October Featuring Hundreds of Jobs Worldwide with Inclusive Employers for...

WorkFair 2023 Returns on 18 October Featuring Hundreds of Jobs Worldwide with Inclusive Employers for LGBTQ+ Students and Graduates 
The Black British Business Awards

Celebrating Black Excellence: The BBBAwards Reveal 2023’s Winners

The Black British Business Awards revealed this year’s winners at an awards ceremony held in London.
Over half of US employees rate their companies' wellbeing support as average or poor, according to new research.

Workplaces Have Become Less Inclusive & Ethical, Say Employees

Employees believe that their workplaces have become less inclusive and less ethical in the past year, according to a new study.
employee recognition

Mental Health Matters Say Half of World’s Workers

While work-life balance and remote work continue to be important to employees, half of the world's knowledge workers (50%) are now prioritising their mental health above all else, a new report has revealed.
Lack of mental health support for Black workers

Black Workers Face More Barriers to Access Mental Health Support

Black American workers face greater barriers to mental health support in the workplace compared with White, Hispanic/Latino, and Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) US workers, according to new research
mental health at work

Seven out of 10 Companies Report Increase in Mental Health Issues

The mental health crisis is having a significant impact in the workplace, with 67% of organisations reporting an increase in mental health...
World Mental Health Day

12 October 2023: Celebrating World Mental Health Day

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) have launched new mental health guidance...

Telling Statistics

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