Visible Role Models Would Influence 80% of LGBTQ+ Gen Zers to Accept Job Offer,...
An overwhelming 80% of LGBTQ+ Generation Z jobseekers said that seeing visible LGBTQ+ role models and allies in senior ranks would significantly influence...
Employees Call for More Diverse & Equitable Workplaces
Despite some recent backlash towards corporate inclusion efforts, employees around the world confirm that having a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace is...
Strong D&I Culture Critical to Attracting New Talent in Finance
A robust diversity and inclusion culture is a key factor in deciding to work at an organisation for 71% of finance professionals...
Prioritising Psychological Safety at Work Greatly Increases Retention Rates, Study Shows
Employers that prioritise psychological safety at work can greatly improve retention rates, especially for women and professionals from marginalised communities, new research has revealed.
Time to Accelerate DEI in UK’s Fashion Industry, Urges Study
The fashion industry needs to accelerate its DEI efforts to diversify corporate representation, especially in top executive roles, if it’s serious about unlocking business potential, reveals a new study.
UK Government Launches Ambitious Disability Action Plan
The UK’s Government has launched an 'ambitious' Disability Action Plan, to make the UK the most accessible place in the world.
Companies Integrating Climate & ESG Metrics into Exec Pay Doubles
The number of companies integrating climate and ESG-related metrics into their executives' compensation plans more than doubled over the past two years, according to a new report.
Champion Companies Outperform Global Peers on Pay Equity & Advancing Women Into Leadership Roles
Champion companies continue to outpace their global peers on pay equity, transparency and advancing women into leadership roles, reveals new research.
UK’s Race Equality Week Kicks Off on 5th February
The UK's Race Equality Week, themed #ListenActChange, kicks off on 5th February this year until the 11th February 2024.
Workers Rate Employer Wellbeing Support as Average or Poor
Over half of US employees rate their companies' wellbeing support as average or poor, according to new research.