Hiring and retaining remote diverse talent

How to attract and retain diverse talent remotely

Although most organisations have adapted quickly to remote work, many are struggling to attract and retain diverse talent remotely, according to D&I...
Black British Business Awards

BBBAwards announces UK’s 2020 ‘outstanding’ finalists

The Black British Business Awards (BBBAwards) has revealed its list of 2020's "outstanding" finalists. They have been selected not only for their...
UK job losses during Covid-19

Employers explore options to minimise layoffs amid COVID-19

Latest research from CIPD and the Adecco Group has confirmed that UK employers are exploring a variety of options to stave off...
Neurodiversity in the workplace

Webinar on nurturing neurodiversity at work

Inspired-Human Founder Perrine Farque and neurodiversity specialist Daniel Brooke have organised a webinar on the importance of neurodiversity in...

COVID-19 pay cuts fail  to address excessive bonus culture

The recent short-term  COVID-19  related  pay cuts by some  FTSE 100 firms have failed  to address the UK's excessive executive bonus culture, confirmed...

d&i Leaders organise second annual Race at Work Summit

This year’s d&i Leaders Race at Work Summit 2020 will take place virtually on September 15. Its second annual event will again...

How startups can implement successful D&I strategies

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) are key to startup success. Here’s a short, practical guide on how startups can implement an effective D&I strategy from...

Involve extends deadline for 2020 HERoes nominations

There’s still time to nominate your 2020 HERoe if you haven’t already. The deadline for nominations for the HERoes Women Role Model Lists,...

UK firms call for clear face coverings to help deaf people

As face coverings become mandatory in enclosed public places in England today, the majority of UK businesses have urged the Government to...

Skipton & BDF create toolkit to improve accessibility

Skipton Building Society has teamed up with the Business Disability Forum (BDF) to create a toolkit dedicated to improving accessibility needs. The...

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