recruitment in recession

One-Third Employees Plan to Quit Jobs Despite Recession Risk

Around one-third of workers are planning to quit their jobs and are actively looking for a new role, despite signs of a...
Generation Z

Gen Z Believe Employers Still Favour Applicants with Degrees

Although more employers are increasingly looking beyond traditional degrees to hire best-fit candidates, more than one-third of Generation Z believe hiring managers...
diversity and inclusion in recruitment

Diversity & Inclusion ‘Critical’ to Attracting Top Talent

Open and accepting workplace cultures with solid diversity and inclusion policies are critical to attracting the best talent, according to a new...
Generation Z at work

3/4 Gen Z Consider Moving Jobs for Better Wellbeing Support

More than three-quarters of Gen Z employees have considered moving jobs in the last six months for better wellbeing benefits and support,...
Just three in 10 US workers aspire to leadership roles, according to a new study.

Firms Set ‘Rigorous’ Diversity Targets for Senior Roles

An increasing number of companies are now setting aspirational and rigorous diversity targets, in a bid to hire and promote more qualified...
WorkPride 2022

Over 360 Global Voices to Share Insights on LGBTQ+ Inclusion at WorkPride 2022’s 70+ Events

WorkPride 2022’s five-day global virtual conference, starting Monday 20 June, features over 360 diverse voices from around the...
great resignation

Great Resignation to Continue as Pressure on Pay Mounts

The Great Resignation will continue in the year ahead as one in five workers are likely to switch to a new employer...
Asian American Heritage Month

The Bamboo Ceiling: Challenges & Solutions for AAPI Staff at Work

In this week’s guest column, global diversity, equity and inclusion expert and author Dr Rohini Anand shares her experiences of being Asian...
job seekers

Lack of Skills & Access to Training ‘Main Barrier’ to Employment, Say Job Seekers

The majority of current job seekers in the US indicate that a lack of skills and access to training is the main...
authenticity at work

Authentic Workplace Culture ‘Major Weapon’ in War For Talent

Employees value authenticity over just about everything else when they're considering a new job, confirmed a new study measuring the impact of...

Telling Statistics

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