How Gina Duncan is ‘moving the needle’ for LGBTQ+ equality
Gina Duncan, Director of Transgender Equality at the Equality Florida Institute, talks about her personal transition (from male to female) and how...
Equal Pay ‘still a distant dream for many women’ says Fawcett
The Fawcett Society has published a new report today, which suggests that unlawful pay discrimination may be more widespread in the UK, than...
How ‘political savvy’ skills can help women leaders get ahead
Female leaders often tend to avoid organisational politics and this can limit their career progression. If we want more women to get ahead, they...
50% senior leader jobs ‘need to go to women to meet 2020 targets’
While it’s been the strongest year of progress for women on boards, the number of women in senior leadership roles is still...
Inclusive Boards reveals ‘most influential’ BAME tech leaders
Inclusive Boards has announced 2019’s top 100 ‘most influential’ Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) leaders in tech, today.
13th-19th November 2019: Transgender Awareness Week
This week we observe and celebrate Transgender Awareness Week (13th to 19th November 2019). Throughout the week, individuals and...
European Women in Tech event returns to Amsterdam
European Women in Technology returns to Amsterdam on 26th-27th November 2019 this year, to celebrate gender diversity in the world’s fastest-growing industry.
Four tech firms join forces to explore LGBTQ+ allyship
Intertech, Thoughtworks, Tech London Advocates and Sainsbury’s Tech have joined forces to organise a tech event later this month to discuss how LGBTQ+...
Mastercard announces feature to prevent LGBTQ+ discrimination
Mastercard has announced that it has partnered with BMO Harris and Superbia Credit Union to launch an ‘industry-first’ new card feature to help prevent...
Corporate world mourns loss of D&I champion Bernard Tyson
The corporate world mourns the loss of Bernard Tyson, CEO & Chairman of Kaiser Permanente, and a passionate D&I advocate. He died unexpectedly...