Gen Z forces firms to take diversity & inclusion seriously
Diversity and inclusion policies are a must for firms that want to hire Gen Z, confirmed a study by Tallo.
Students urge Corporate America to take action against inequality
High school students are urging Corporate America to take meaningful action to stamp out economic and racial inequality through the #EmployChange campaign.
60% staff report increased care responsibilities amid Covid-19
Approximately 60% of employees working for large US companies spend more time on caregiving since the Covid-19 outbreak, according to a new study....
Employers must ‘up their game’ & offer better menopause support
Staff want employers to "up their game" and offer better support to women going through the menopause, according to the latest Ipsos...
Dealing with menopause in the workplace
To mark World Menopause Day (18th October) and Menopause Awareness Month, Women in Hospitality, Travel & Leisure (WiHTL) has organised an event...
Racial justice motivates minority youth in America to vote
Racial justice is the top factor motivating America’s youth of colour to vote in the upcoming November elections, according to a recent...
80% departing staff cite ‘bad culture’ for leaving amid Covid
Approximately 80% of employees that have left a company amid Covid-19 cited “bad company culture” for leaving their jobs, according to a...
Students rank the World’s Most Attractive Employers
Both business and IT/engineering students globally have crowned Google, Microsoft and Apple as the world's top three most attractive employers this year,...
Working parents fear losing jobs as pandemic continues
More than half of working parents fear losing their jobs amid continued Covid-19 uncertainty, according to a new Catalyst-CNBC survey. Many believe...
How to help young men to become tomorrow’s leaders
With male suicide on the rise and men feeling that they are unable to speak up about their emotions, Rocking Ur Teens...