US Population Divided On Importance of Diversity
The US public is divided on how important diversity is based on political affiliation and race, confirmed a...
9/10 FTSE 100 Firms Met ‘One before 2021’ Target to Improve Board Ethnic Diversity
Around 90% of FTSE 100 companies met the Parker Review's ‘One before 2021’ target to improve ethnic diversity of FTSE 100 boards,...
Sexual Harassment Linked to Bias, Inclusion & Respect
A new report has linked incidences of sexual harassment in the workplace to respect, bias and inclusion. The study...
New Study Reveals How Far Firms Have Progressed in DE&I
The McKenzie Delis Foundation has announced the results of its 'first-ever' review of workplace diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) corporate practices in...
Guidance to Challenge Harmful & Cliched LGBTQ+ Visual Stereotypes
Ceros, Getty Images and GLAAD have announced they will continue to work together to promote LGBTQ+ representation in visual content and challenge...
US Equal Pay Day 2022: Gender Pay Gap Widens Further
Despite wage gains in recent months, women still only earn 83 cents for every dollar that men earn for full-time work, according...
WANTED: Better Support for Staff from Marginalised Backgrounds
Organisations are being urged to better support employees of marginalised ethnic backgrounds around the globe, a new study has revealed.
REVEALED: Winners of Inaugural Burberry British Diversity Awards
Top business leaders and celebrities turned out in full force for the inaugural Burberry British Diversity Awards, held on 10 March 2022...
University of California Names Leah Pimentel Inaugural Director of DEI & Culture
The University of California (UCSF) Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care has named Leah Pimentel as their inaugural Director of Diversity, Equity...
FTSE 100 Reporting on Staff Diversity, Wellbeing & Skills Investment Remains Poor, Study Shows
The majority of FTSE 100 firms don’t provide data on workforce diversity, employee wellbeing or skills investment in their annual reports, according...