Time To Prioritise Disability Inclusion in DE&I Agendas
In this week's guest column, Texthelp’s HR Business Partner (UK) Jennifer Ncube outlines three reasons why organisations must take action, and prioritise...
How to Supercharge Your Disability Inclusion Strategies
Do your diversity and inclusion efforts include people with disabilities and neurodifferences? On 3 February, the Valuable 500, IBM,...
UK PM Urged Not to Forget People With Disabilities amid Worrying Surge in Omicron...
The Disability Charities Consortium has sent an urgent letter to the Prime Minister today raising concerns about the impact of Omicron on...
Many Firms Have ‘No Intention’ of Disclosing Ethnicity Pay Gaps or Data on Age/Disability
Despite diversity and inclusion (D&I) remaining high on the agenda for HR teams in 2022, 40% of firms have no intention of...
Revealed: Recruitment Industry’s Disability Inclusion Champions
The Recruitment Industry Disability Initiative (RIDI) Awards has revealed 2021’s disability inclusion champions. The RIDI Awards, now in their...
Celebrating Disability Smart Champions on International Day of Persons with Disabilities
The winners of the Disability Smart Awards 2021 were announced yesterday evening (2 December) at a virtual ceremony hosted by Business Disability...
BDF Launches Essential Resources to Support Disability Inclusion
The Business Disability Forum (BDF) has launched a collection of essential resources and guidance for businesses ahead of International Day of Persons...
BDF to Reveal 2021’s Disability Smart Award Winners
Business Disability Forum (BDF) will reveal the winners of 2021's Disability Smart Awards at a virtual ceremony tomorrow. The...
Microsoft to Promote Disability Inclusion Across Africa
Microsoft Africa Development Center's (Microsoft ADC) event on International Day of Persons with Disabilities aims to tackle stereotypical perspectives affecting the employment...
UK’s TUC Brands 9 November as Disability Pay Gap Day
The TUC has branded today (9th November) as ‘Disability Pay Gap Day’. The union body’s latest poll findings published alongside new TUC analysis hows that non-disabled employees earn on average £1.90...