Latinos represent just 3% of Fortune 1000 Boards
Latinos occupy a meagre 3% of Fortune 1000 board seats, despite comprising 18.5% of the US population, according to research carried out...
Unemployment rate for BME youth rises 50% amid Covid
The unemployment rate for Black and minority ethnic (BME) youth in the UK is 50% higher than the rate for young...
Workplace cultures more empathetic as result of pandemic
Diversity, equity and Inclusion (DE&I) investment has started to pay off as staff help to create more 'empathetic' and 'respectful' workplace cultures, according...
Working single moms with 50/50 co-parenting schedule earn more
Equality in co-parenting and time-sharing correlates with higher income and a more positive parenting experience for single moms, according to a new...
EQUAL PAY DAY: 70% women want government to fix wage gap
Over 70% of women in the US want the government to do more to tackle the wage gap, confirmed the latest findings from...
Dice reports high levels of inequality & discrimination in tech
The tech industry still has a long way to go to fix inequality and discrimination to attract more diversity, according to a...
Health hazards soar 3-fold for staff working from home
New research has revealed that some occupational health issues have increased more than three-fold this year alone, as the majority of staff...
Women in tech with male bosses report higher burnout rates
The latest study from Girls in Tech has revealed an alarmingly high rate of burnout among women in the tech sector with...
IWPR: Women still paid less than men in almost every occupation
To highlight Equal Pay Day on Wednesday 24th March 2021, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) has revealed that women in...
40% European & 30% US staff ‘ready’ to return to office but employers must...
The latest statistics from Forrester Research indicate that 40% of European and 30% of US employees are ready to return to the office.