workplace diversity

Pandemic highlights differing staff needs by generation

The pandemic has highlighted the dramatically differing workplace needs by generation, according to the 2021 Nintex Workplace report. The...
Black and Minority Ethnic workers suffer most job losses amid pandemic

TUC urges Government to carry out workplace racism review

The UK’s Trade Union Congress (TUC) has urged the Government to carry out a review into racism at work, after its latest...
Racial disparities at work

Study finds “gross business failings” in addressing workplace racial disparity

A new report released today has identified the “gross failings” of businesses to collectively address and act upon racial disparity in the...
ageism at work

50+ face forced early retirement without urgent support

People aged 50+ in the UK face early retirement forced on them without urgent Government support as long-term employment prospects fall amid Covid-19,...
top global concerns

WEF: Global concerns over deteriorating jobs & health

Three out of every five adults around the world perceive deteriorating health, loss of income/employment and more frequent weather-related natural disasters to...
CEOs worry about talent retention.

Talent retention remains ‘top priority’ for CEOs in 2021

Employee retention remains a top employer concern in 2021, with many CEOs worried about losing their top talent. That's despite 76% of CEOs...
workplace bias

68% employees of colour ‘on guard’ against racial bias

Around 68% of employees of colour have reported being "on guard" at work to protect against racial bias and unfair treatment, according to Catalyst's latest...
employee burnout and workplace wellbeing

80% firms admit 2020 events affected staff mental health

Around 80% of organisations worldwide admit that employee mental health has been negatively impacted by 2020 events, according to new research. 
Sephora reveals impact of racial bias in retail

Sephora reveals racial bias impact on retail staff & shoppers

Sephora's latest research on racial bias in retail has revealed that two in five US shoppers have experienced unfair treatment on the...
employers worldwide are struggling to find qualified talent

Employers worldwide report severe qualified talent shortage

Businesses worldwide are continuing to struggle to find qualified talent despite millions of candidates looking to re-enter the workforce, according to a...

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