NFEC establishes clear link between staff financial wellbeing & productivity
A new study from the National Financial Educators Council (NFEC) has demonstrated a clear connection between employee financial wellbeing and workplace productivity.
Most Brits ‘happy’ to be back at the office, reveals poll
Over half of Brits (55%) are happy to be working in the office again and enjoying seeing old colleagues, according to a...
Too many minority women ‘still the only’ in their workplaces
Far too many women of colour are ‘still the only’ in their workplaces, according to a recent US survey.
Harassment continued/worsened despite working remotely
Over a third (38%) of US workers said they still experienced harassment remotely, through email, video conferencing, chat apps, or by phone,...
42% workers fear getting Covid-19 on return to work
As the Delta variant continues to proliferate, 42% of workers fear catching Covid-19 upon return to work tomorrow after the long...
Over 1/3 staff considering leaving job within next 6 months
More than one-third of US staff are considering leaving their organisations within the next six months because of inflexible work arrangements, according...
Most women worldwide feel less valued at work than men
The majority of working women around the world feel less valued at work; and lag behind men on sense of belonging, revealed...
NIRS: Millennials & Gen X ‘more worried’ about retirement
A new survey, carried out by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS), has revealed that Millennials and Generation X are more worried...
AICD: No more all-male boards at Australia’s top 200 companies
For the first time in history, there are no all-male boards at Australia’s top 200 companies (ASX 200), confirmed the Australian Institute...
UK’s largest sectors bolster hiring & expansion plans for rapid growth
New research has revealed which UK's industries are increasing the size of their workforce, in a bid to expand the quickest post-pandemic.