respect at work

Staff rank respect as most important aspect of company culture

Feeling respected at work is what matters most to employees, according to new research. Employees rank respect as the...
neurodiversity at work

94% adults with learning disabilities remain jobless

The latest statistics from Public Health England (PHE) show that 94.4% working-age adults with learning disabilities are without paid jobs nationwide.
Covid-19 vaccinations for work

9 out of 10 UK & US employers require or encourage Covid-19 vaccinations

A new survey from The Rockefeller Foundation has revealed that 93% of US employers and 91% of UK employers require or encourage...
Gender wage gap

Women must wait until 2059 for gender wage gap to fully close

It will still take until 2059 for the gender wage gap to fully close, confirmed the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR).
People from ethnic minority backgrounds are “consistently underrepresented” across the UK's council workforces.

CIPD urges UK to make Ethnicity Pay Gap Reporting mandatory

Just 13 FTSE firms currently disclose their ethnicity pay gaps, according to CIPD's latest research. So the professional body is urging the...
workplace discrimination

Empathic leaders key to retaining staff & reducing burnout

Not only do empathic leaders drive engagement, creativity and innovation, but they are also key to retaining staff and reducing employee burnout,...
training and deelopment

Half of US workforce hungry for upskilling opportunities

Around half of US employees are prepared to switch to a new job if offered training opportunities, according to a new study.
respect at work

Workplace friendships deteriorate for 1/3 staff

Around one-third of employees believe that workplace friendships have suffered as a result of the pandemic, according to...
women at work

IWPR: Union membership boosts women’s earnings & security

A new report from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) has revealed the powerful benefits of union membership for women in...
diversity and inclusion

Only 12% staff believe gender equality exists at their company

Just 12% of workers actually believe there is gender equality in their place of work, according to new research.

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