Corporate America Still Failing Women – Especially Women of Colour
Despite important gains since 2016, women remain significantly underrepresented at all levels of management in corporate America, and their work is going...
Most Leaders Yet to Fulfil Pledges & Embed Purpose into Business
Despite company leaders making pledges to become more diverse, fair and climate-conscious, 55% have yet to fully embed purpose into their business,...
95% Employers Feel Responsible for Staff’s Financial Wellbeing
The majority of employers feel a sense of responsibility for their staff’s financial wellbeing, with many more now providing financial wellness programmes...
Visible C-suite Support & Better Data ‘Key’ to DE&I Progress
Commitment from the executive ranks and better data are crucial for diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) progress, new research has revealed.
WISE: Tech industry must get creative to address gender gap
The tech industry must get creative to address the gender gap and digital skills shortage, and find new...
Time to stamp out ‘fire & rehire’ practices, advises CIPD
One in five UK employers changed staff contracts since the onset of the pandemic, with around 42,960 resorting to ‘fire and rehire’...
Fitness industry urged to hire more trainers with disabilities
The fitness industry is being urged to hire more trainers with disabilities as new research has revealed that the majority of disabled...
2 out of 5 firms now have Chief Empathy Officer, study shows
Global leaders are prioritising wellbeing and ESG commitments by recruiting a 'Chief Empathy Officer', according to new research. Two...
FPW unveils inaugural list of fair paying companies
Fair Pay Workplace (FPW) has announced the first six companies that have been certified for achieving pay parity and paying their employees fairly.
Millennial Managers More Burnt Out Than Other Generations
Millennial managers are significantly more burnt out than managers of any other generation, a new study has revealed. The new...