multi-generational support

ESG Matters: Senior Leaders Value Sustainability While Juniors Demand Social Change

Senior executives are prioritising environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when making career decisions, while junior employees are pushing for stronger social commitments, according to new research.
AI upskilling

AI Upskilling: A Game-Changer for Productivity Yet Most Companies Lagging Behind

Organisations embracing artificial intelligence (AI) and investing in workforce upskilling are seeing dramatic productivity gains of over 30%, yet most firms are stalling in AI adoption.
male allyship

Male Allyship at Work: Not Enough Men Stepping Up as Allies, Study shows

Despite increasing discussions around the importance of male allyship on workplace inclusion, only 37% of men actively step up as allies, a new study has revealed.
%%excerpt%% Three in four employees have worked while physically or mentally unable to perform their duties due to ill health, according to a new survey.

Three in Four Employees Work While Physically or Mentally Unwell, Study Finds

A new study has revealed a troubling trend in UK workplaces: three in four employees have worked while physically or mentally unable...
Approximately two-thirds of employers plan to enhance their support for employee health and wellbeing over the next 12 months, according to new research.

Two-thirds of Employers Plan to Boost Workplace Health and Wellbeing Focus, Reveals Study

Approximately two-thirds of employers plan to enhance their support for employee health and wellbeing over the next 12 months, according to new research.
discrimination at work

Almost Half of UK Workers Face Unfair Discrimination at Work or During Job Search

A new survey on workplace discrimination found that almost half of UK workers believe they have experienced unfair treatment at work or discrimination in hiring practices.
Online abuse in sports worldwide has reached a crisis point, with half of all reported cases classified as either racist or misogynistic, according to a new report.

Half of Online Abuse in Sports is Racist or Misogynistic, Reveals Report

Online abuse in sports worldwide has reached a crisis point, with half of all reported cases classified as either racist or misogynistic, according to a new report.
Green investment

Revealed: World’s Most Sustainable Companies Leading the Charge in Green Investment

The world's most sustainable corporations are accelerating their efforts in the green transition, with record investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency and circular economy initiatives, according to new research.
leadership burnout

Burnt Out Leaders Considering Abandoning Roles As Stress Levels Soar, Reveals Study

Leadership pipelines are under unprecedented strain, with 40% of stressed-out leaders considering stepping down to prioritise their wellbeing, according to a new study.
World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day: Employers Must Act Now to Support Employees Battling Cancer

As global cancer rates continue to rise, employers can no longer afford to overlook the impact of this disease on their workforce.

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