Latin Leaders Awards now open for nominations


The Council for Latino Workplace Equity (CLWE) has announced that the Top Employers for Latino Leaders Awards and the National Latin Leaders Awards are now open for nominations. CLWE, which operates under The Diversity Council in the US, seeks to both promote workplace equity for Latinos and recognise those Latinos who have overcome barriers to rise to the top of their organisations. 

The Top Latino Leaders Awards highlight individuals who have achieved success in their career while paving the way for other Latinos to advance in the corporate arena. The Top Employers for Latino Leaders Awards honour organisations for their ‘extraordinary and unfailing commitment’ to Latinos in the workplace and surrounding communities.

Winners of both awards will be announced at the 6th Annual National Latino Leadership Conference. This year’s event is themed The Rise, Power, and Influence of Latino Leaders and is scheduled to take place on 23rd-24th September 2020 in Miami. Actor and Director Tony Plana is the confirmed keynote speaker at this year’s event.

For more information on the event or to nominate, click here.

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