A new survey carried out to coincide with International Women in Engineering Day has revealed an increase of over 50% among girls interested in STEM subjects. Science and mathematics were voted favourite subjects by girls aged 11-16 years old; with two thirds (61%) showing a keen interest in a STEM career.
According to the new survey, carried out in time for the The Big Bang Fair at the NEC in Birmingham, 37% of 11-16 year olds say they watch YouTube videos to learn about their future dream jobs; compared to those who read books (30%) or attend after-school classes or clubs (22%). There are plenty of ways for them to discover more in the real world, as well as on their laptops.
Dr Hilary Leevers, Chief Executive of EngineeringUK, organisers of The Big Bang Fair, which aims to inspire young people to learn more about the world of STEM, said parents should embrace the new ways of learning while seeking out in real life experiences.
“It’s really encouraging that young people are embracing STEM at an early age. We need more young people from all backgrounds to understand the role that STEM careers play; and for more of them to go on to work in science, engineering and technology,” shared Dr Leevers. “Social media is a great tool and has been particularly useful during the pandemic to help young people gain an understanding of STEM. The Big Bang Fair this year comprises a live event at the NEC and a digital option; both designed to provide young people with the chance to experience the amazing opportunities a career in STEM can offer and learn more from people already working in science, engineering and tech.”
With 11-16 year olds being more inspired by people like Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert and Sir David Attenborough over well-known influencers like Molly Mae, it’s no wonder children are looking into the world of STEM for a career; with two in five (43%) 11-16 year olds saying a career in STEM allows them to make a positive change in the world. This complements previous research undertaken by EngineeringUK, which demonstrates that young people who attend a careers event with an employer, either online or in person (for example, a tour of a workplace or a careers fair) are around twice as likely to know about what engineers and scientists can do in their jobs; and also almost three times as likely to be interested in a career in engineering.

“The opportunities within STEM are endless, with some better known than others. In our survey less than a quarter of young people realised that developing TikTok is an example of a career that needs STEM skills,” Dr Leevers added. “It’s an example most young people are familiar with and being able to show the huge variety of possibilities will hopefully encourage more young people to study and eventually work in STEM.”
When it came to considering careers, those surveyed, felt studying STEM subjects laid a strong foundation in helping to make a difference and saving the planet; with 42% of children appreciating that a career in Climate Engineering would require a basis in STEM.

The top STEM developments recognised by young people::
- Vaccines
- Mobile phones
- Artificial Intelligence
- Prosthetic limbs
- Virtual Reality
The top careers that children think use STEM skills are:
- Cancer researcher
- Robotics engineer
- Climate engineer
- Machine Learning Engineer
- Gene Therapy
The Big Bang Fair is on at the NEC in Birmingham this week until Friday 24 June. It is aimed at 11- to 14-year-olds and the 3-day event is the largest celebration of STEM in the UK. The free to attend event will feature scores of quality hands-on activities to inspire young people to discover; and explore what a career in STEM can offer. Families, home educators and school groups have the chance to visit at The Big Bang Fair Unlocked; taking place on Thursday 23 June from 4pm to 8pm. There will be an interactive on-demand element too with six fascinating STEM panels streamed live as part of this year’s Big Bang Digital; where young people can hear from real scientists and engineers shining a spotlight on sustainability, health and wellness and technology, and more.