Most Barbie role models still earn less than men

Barbie Role Model STEM dolls
Image credit: Mattel

Although Mattel’s latest role model Barbie doll line featuring scientists carries the message that young girls can be who they want to be, more needs to be done to make gender pay equal and fair, a new report has revealed.

Vaccinologist Prof Dame Sarah Gilbert was recently added to Mattel’s scientist role model dolls; a new line of Barbies aimed at showcasing a multi-dimensional view of beauty and representing global diversity and inclusivity. This highlights Mattel’s ongoing aim to raise awareness around the factors that prevent girls from dreaming as big as their male friends and classmates, as reported.

Yet, despite the spotlight being shone on these role model professions, the issue of the gender pay gap is “sadly prevalent amongst many of the roles”, according to new analysis. Data from shows that within science and engineering roles, such as vaccinologists, women in the UK are still earning around 12.6% less than men, and hold just 19% of these positions.

Barbie role models challenge the gender pay gap
Vaccinologist Prof Dame Sarah Gilbert was recently added to Mattel’s new line of Role Model dolls. Image credit: Mattel


The personal finance experts at have analysed Barbie’s career to reveal which Barbie roles have the lowest and highest pay gap difference. The arts industry ranks as the worst for gender pay across Barbie’s occupations, with Artist Barbie, Movie Star Barbie, Ballerina Barbie, Dancer Barbie and Musician Barbie all sitting within the top 10. In fact, artists, actors and dancers earn a staggering 30% less than their male counterparts in the same role. Female rocket engineers earn around 18% less than men, with women business executives taking home 15% less income.

Occupational RoleIndustryPay gap – %  women are paid less than men for same role
Movie ActorArts-30.31%
JudgePublic service-22.08%
Rocket engineerScience and engineering-18.17%
ArchitectScience and engineering-15.34%
Business ExecutiveBusiness-15.21%
Mail CarrierPublic service-14.74%
The 10 roles with the worst gender pay gap.

Mattel’s latest Barbie role model line of scientists does indeed carry on the message that young girls can be who they want to be; but more needs to be done across the country to make gender pay equal and fair for generations to come. “Even with Barbie working across a wide variety of job sectors in recent years representing females in largely male dominated positions, women continue to be misrepresented in the working world,” commented’s personal finance expert Nisha Vaidya. “Although there are current laws in place ensuring equal pay, the data still shows men continue to be financially favoured in the workplace. More measurable steps need to be taken to re-address this balance.”


There are some Barbie roles, however, where women are getting paid more than men. In the sports industry, for example, female Aerobics Instructors get paid 36.66% more than men. Surprisingly, Astrophysicist Barbie also earns 19.60% more.

Occupational RoleIndustryPay gap – %  women are paid more than men for same role
Aerobics InstructorSports+36.66%
AstrophysicistScience and engineering+19.60%
Bee KeeperOther Roles+11.08%
Wildlife ConservationistOther Roles+11.08%
The top 5 roles where women are paid more than men.


Click here to access the full report.

Did you know that the gender pay gap between men and women working full time is at its widest for those aged 50-plus? Click here to read more.

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