Disability inclusion: What’s New, What’s Next?

Business Disability Forum annual conference

Business Disability Forum has announced that its 2021 Annual Conference Disability: What’s New, What’s Next, will take place online on 30 June 2021. 

The event, sponsored by HSBC, will explore various themes from getting started on your disability inclusion journey to intersectionality. There’s something for everyone, wherever you are on your Disability Smart journey, said the oganiser.

If there is something you’ve always wanted to know about disability inclusion but felt you couldn’t ask because you thought you should already know the answer – or that asking the question might cause offence, then this conference is a must-attend. A session on ‘Everything you always wanted to know about disability inclusion but were afraid to ask’ hosted by an expert line up from the Business Disability Forum team, including Diane Lightfoot, Adrian Ward, Davina Critchley, Fleur Donnelly-Jackson, Emily Jackson and Bela Gor, will be on hand to answer all those difficult questions.

BITC’s Sandra Kerr will share “What’s New in Diversity & Inclusion” and discuss the latest findings and new guidance on race and mental health. The event will also explore how far have we really come regarding disability inclusion with Accenture’s Laurie Hennenborn and Dominic King, who’ll be sharing their research findings; as well as a discussion on fashion and image with broadcaster Samantha Renke. Click here for more information.

Check out the latest guest column from Business Disability Forum’s CEO Diane Lightfoot on what’s next on the workplace disability inclusion agenda, by clicking here.

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