The TUC has today sounded alarm over ‘stark’ Covid mortality rates for key workers in insecure jobs, carried out mostly by women, disabled or Black, Asian or minority ethnic workers.
Covid-19 mortality for people in insecure jobs are more than double the rate than other professions, according to the trade union body. Its analysis shows that the Covid-19 male mortality rate in insecure occupations was 51 per 100,000 people aged 20-64; compared to 24 per 100,000 people in more secure roles. The female mortality rate for insecure jobs was 25 per 100,000 individuals; compared to 13 per 100,000 in more secure occupations.
According to the TUC, workers in insecure jobs are having to shoulder more risk of infection during this pandemic; while facing the “triple whammy” of a lack of sick pay, fewer rights and endemic low pay. Its latest poll, conducted by BritainThinks, shows that employees in insecure roles are almost 10 times more likely to say they receive no sick pay at all; compared to those in secure work (67% to 7%). The UK’s lack of decent sick pay is failing those in insecure work; and undermining any prospect of a safe return to work, said the union body.
Insecure workers – those on a contract that does not guarantee regular hours or income (including zero-hours contracts, agency work and casual work), or in low-paid self-employment (earning less than the National Living Wage) – currently account for one in nine workers. The union body pointed out that those in insecure occupations have largely continued to work outside the home during the pandemic; and that many key workers are in insecure employment. It is calling for the pandemic to be a “turning point” so that everyone can enjoy dignity at work.
“No matter your race or background, everyone deserves fair pay and to be treated with dignity and respect. But during the pandemic, we’ve seen higher infections and death rates in insecure jobs,” stated TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady. “Too many workers are trapped on zero hours contracts or in other sorts of insecure work; and are hit by a triple whammy of endemic low pay, few workplace rights and low or no sick pay. Lots of them are the key workers we all applauded – like social care workers, delivery drivers and coronavirus testing staff. This must be a turning point”.

Ministers must “urgently raise statutory sick pay to the level of the real Living Wage and make sure everyone can get it; including those on zero hours contracts and other forms of insecure work”, O’Grady added. “If people can’t observe self-isolation when they need to, the virus could rebound. No-one should have to choose between doing the right thing and putting food on the table. And ministers must tackle the scourge of insecure work by finally bringing forward their promised Employment Bill. It’s time to ban zero-hours contracts, false self-employment and to end exploitation at work.”
In fact, the UK currently has one of the lowest rates of sick pay in Europe. Additionally, nearly two million workers, many of who are in insecure work, do not earn enough to qualify for it, confirmed the TUC. This lack of sick pay is “forcing those in insecure work to choose between doing the right thing and putting food on the table”, the union body pointed out. The TUC is calling on ministers to increase statutory sick pay to at least the rate of the real Living Wage; and make it available for all to help insecure workers from suffering hardship when required to self-isolate.

Insecure workers are unlikely to benefit from the full range of employment rights that permanent/more secure workers are entitled to; including vital safeguards, such as unfair dismissal and redundancy protections. As a result, too many employers treat insecure workers like “disposable labour”, noted the TUC. The union body is calling on the government to bring forward the long-awaited employment bill to boost workers’ rights; and end exploitative workplace practices such as zero hours contracts. As almost half of workers on zero hours contracts and over half in agency work are Black or minority ethnic workers, this would also help deliver race equality at work.
In 2019, the UK Government promised that it would bring forward a new employment bill to improve people’s rights at work. But there has been no sign of the legislation since it was first announced in the post-election 2019 Queen’s Speech. The Queen’s Speech on 11 May 2021 must contain an employment bill to improving workers’ rights, concluded the union body. It has also called for more research to understand the links between precarious work and risk of infection/death.