Community Business has extended the deadline to submit nominations for Asia’s 2021 Employee Wellbeing Awards to 15th January 2021.
Organised by the non-profit, the 2021 Asia Employee Wellbeing Awards celebrate the promotion of wellbeing in the workplace across Asia, by uncovering and spotlighting strategic and proactive approaches in the region. Employee wellbeing is now at the forefront of global corporate consciousness, according to Community Business. Covid-19 has accelerated the workplace wellbeing conversation. Now more than ever, companies are developing innovative and effective ways to put the wellbeing of their employees first.
“We usher in 2021 with a renewed priority for wellbeing, and hit the ground running by celebrating your company’s employee wellbeing achievements against all odds. To ensure you have time to submit, we have extended the nomination deadline by one week to 15th January 2021,” stated the non-profit. “Take advantage of this opportunity to showcase your leadership and nominate your company for the great work you are doing in Asia.”

The awards are open to companies operating in Asia that are working towards advancing employee wellbeing. Organisations can submit a nomination for one or more of the four awards, including:
- Work Life Harmony Award (sponsored by Northern Trust Corporation)
- Physical Wellbeing Award
- Emotional Wellbeing Award
- Financial Wellbeing Award
Click here for more information or to nominate.