National Inclusion Week
Image credit: Inclusive Employers

This week, companies and organisations across the UK are celebrating National Inclusion Week. Inclusive Employers runs the annual campaign to raise awareness on the importance of inclusion in the workplace, and the business benefits of having a diverse and included workforce. Now in its eighth year, National Inclusion Week is running from today (28 September) until 4 October 2020.

“This week is designed to celebrate everyday inclusion in all its forms,” reported Inclusive Employers. “Sharing, promoting and inspiring your inclusion practices and culture – together, we will build and develop the inclusion momentum everyday.”


The theme for National Inclusion Week 2020 is Each One, Reach One. “It is about the opportunity that we all have to connect with someone else, or another organisation, to help them understand the opportunity of inclusion and connect,” explained Inclusive Employers. “It is about individuals and organisations connecting and inspiring each other to make inclusion an everyday reality. Together, we will build the biggest inclusion chain ever.”

Many organisations sign up to celebrate National Inclusion Week in the UK to raise awareness of workplace inclusion. In line with the recently established Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee, many organisations like the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, have announced that they will be sharing stories on what inclusion means to them.


Balfour Beatty is another company that is celebrating the week through various activities. “Our employees get involved in a range educational and insightful webinars and listen to a podcasts from each of our Affinity Networks,” confirmed the International infrastructure company.

Its activities aim to stimulate productive conversations around inclusion within the business and industry as a whole.  To celebrate National Inclusion Week 2020 Balfour Beatty’s staff participated in a video to share what inclusion means to them (see below).

For more information/resources on how to be more inclusive and check out the Inclusive Employers website.

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