Celebrating Women’s Equality Day: 26 August 2020

Women's Equality Day
Image credit: Pixabay

Today, we celebrate Women’s Equality Day around the world. It’s observed on August 26 every year to honour the hard-fought victory of the women’s suffrage movement. It commemorates the 19th Amendment being adopted in the 1920s in the US, which stopped the federal government and states from preventing people from the right to vote based on their sex.

However, today women’s equality has grown to mean much more than just sharing the right to the vote. Organisations such as Equality Now and Womankind Worldwide continue to work to provide women across the globe with equal opportunities to education and employment, pushing against suppression and violence towards women and against the discrimination and stereotyping, which still occurs in every society.


Every year, the US President reads a proclamation, noting the amazing work of trailblazers in this movement. In an official statement this year, US President Donald Trump, stated: “Women are an essential part of the political, economic, and social fabric of our Nation. All American women – regardless of the role they play in the workplace or at home – contribute every day to the success of our great country.  In addition to being homemakers, caregivers, mothers, and counsellors, along with a host of other important roles, women also fill critical jobs in every sector of our economy, contributing to the financial security of their families and our Nation. 

“Currently, more than 200,000 women serve in our Armed Forces, and tens of thousands more courageously protect our communities as first responders.  The women who call our Nation home epitomize the grit, determination, and work ethic that is indicative of the American Spirit, and their wisdom and compassion are among the greatest virtues of our society. Recognising that women contribute to the strength and security of our Nation, my Administration will always make supporting women and working families a top priority.  

“My Administration recognises that by empowering women at home and abroad, we are safeguarding the cultural foundation of our Nation and creating a more prosperous future for all global citizens. On Women’s Equality Day, we honour all of the women who inspire and improve our Nation. Their talent and hard work strengthen our economy, our families, and our communities, and sustain our unique American way of life.”


So how can you celebrate Women’s Equality Day today? Show solidarity by wearing purple be it a scarf, top, wristband or ribbon. This is believed to have originated from the Women’s Social and Political Union in the UK in 1908.  Why purple? Internationally, purple is the colour symbolising women’s equality because it signifies justice and dignity. 

Don’t forget to pay tribute to the amazing females that have made a massive difference in the movement, by learning about trailblazing female leaders of the past and present. Finally, regardless of whether you’re a business leader, owner, manager or simply an employee, do your bit to help close the gender pay gap as progress remains woefully slow (as reported).

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