Image credit: Circle In

Circle In, an organisation that supports working parents, has published guidelines for teams and leaders to support remote workers balance family and work commitments through COVID-19. 

“As working parents are a large proportion of a company’s employee group, it’s imperative that we support and invest in them so that they can feel empowered to manage their careers and caring responsibilities,” according to Circle In. 

It will inevitably get tougher for remote working parents to balance work and home responsibilities, particularly if either children get affected by the Coronavirus, or if/when schools and nurseries shut down, as has happened in many parts of Europe already including Ireland, Spain, France and Italy.


Leaders and managers need to prepare for this eventuality, and of course, support their remote working parents through this challenging time, so it’s a win-win for both employer/employee.

Here are a few tips that will help:

  1. Remove any bias or preconceived ideas of working from home.
  2. Show empathy for your team and their needs.
  3. You need to balance flexibility with structure.
  4. Your trust levels need to be higher than ever before.
  5. Measure outcomes and not hours.
  6. Set expectations.
  7. Support your working parents.  

Download the complete checklist from Circle In, here.

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