Diversity, inclusion and leadership experts VERCIDA Group and tech giant IBM have today announced the launch of a ‘comprehensive’ UK Diversity in the Workplace Index. It is designed to not only unveil the ‘truth’ about the UK’s workplace diversity, but also shed light on diversity in British society.
Commenting on the launch, Simon Clements, Talent & Transformation Lead at IBM, states: “We are absolutely delighted to be partnering with VERCIDA on the UK Diversity Index. It is our hope that with access to this diversity data and insights, enterprises will be enabled to better benchmark themselves, plan for and continue on their journey towards more inclusive workplaces and cultures.”
The Index aims to provide valuable insights into society, not just around who we are, but how we behave in terms of revealing and hiding our diversity, according to VERCIDA Group’s CEO and Founder, Morgan Lobb.
He believes such an Index is vital to understand whether or not we are progressing with diversity. After all, “we can’t ignore the fact that over two thirds of job seekers in the UK say diversity and inclusion is an important factor in their career”, points out Lobb.
So VERCIDA Group has collected data (such as age, disability, ethnicity, parental/caring, religion and belief, region, sex/gender, sexual orientation, salary range and industry) from more than 200 member companies to compile and analyse for the Diversity Index.
Lobb hopes the Index will encourage companies to create an inclusive working culture ‘for all’ by highlighting where they currently stand on the diversity scale, and where they could improve. “With unique access to data on job seekers and employers across the UK, we are in the best position to reveal trends around diversity across all sectors,” he adds. For example, 8.62% of job applicants on VERCIDA.com (the group’s diversity recruitment website) have disclosed that they’re from the LGBT+ community. The website also reveals that the government is currently the top performing sector for attracting LGBT+ workers.
The first version of the UK Diversity Workplace Index will be released in April 2020, and then updated on a quarterly basis, confirms Lobb.