18 Nov-20 Dec 2019: UK Disability History Month


UK Disability History Month (UKDHM) is an annual event which reviews the history of disabled peoples’ struggle for equality and human rights. 

This year’s theme, Disability: Leadership, Resistance and Culture, focuses on disabled leaders throughout history and their struggle for acceptance and equality. The month-long event examines how the leaders of the disabled peoples movement managed to change the way disability was seen – from a personal burden to a human rights issue, through the social model of disability from 1970 to the present, and the lessons we can earn from this. It aims to demonstrate examples of individual and collective resistance to the oppression that disabled people have faced at work, in education, in their local community and at home, and examines the culture of the disability arts movement from which they drew their collective strength.

“It is our turn to document this history and to become agents of change within our communities,” said the organiser. 

Check out the website for more information.

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